Sept 2 , 20 20
Dear colleagues,
I on the occasion of the foundation day of the International Martial Art Games Committee, would like to congratulate the Executive Board Members and Leaders of the International Martial Art Federations National Martial Art Games Committees ( affiliated to the IMGC a s well as to extend my sincere thanks to you who have been making your every possible effort for its development and expansion worldwide .
Founding of the International Martial Art Games Committee by Gen. Choi Hong Hi on Sep 2, 1999, 21 years ago was an historical event of significance that had taken the first step in promoting the friendship, cooperation, solidarity among the martial art disciplines and thus , it is today greatly conducive to bringing the social progress and world peace to this planet by the combined & unified efforts of all kinds of Martial Artists in accordance with the purpose & mission of the IMGC .
Availing of myself of this opportunity, may I expect you to keep your due pride and self confidence in it and strive hard for its further development by breaking through the current pandemic crisis caused by COVID 19 with the indomitable spirit of Martial Artists.
With best regards I remain
RI Yong Son
International Martial Art Games Committee