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If you are intending to conduct classes online, please consider the following important insurance information from the BTC…
BTC Clubs: Current Insurance Status
The British Taekwondo Council, the National Governing Body for Taekwondo in the UK, in line with Government policies and procedures, have closed all schools, dojangs, centres, gyms and similar as of Friday 20th March 2020.
Further, as of Monday 23rd March 2020, BTC Instructors will not be conducting any open space training that constitutes more than two people being together, as this is contrary to government guidelines.
BTC Instructors should note the guidance below and ensure that any on-line sessions are pre-recorded and that BTC Safeguarding Policy and procedures are adhered to.
BTC Executive
BTC Insurance Statement For instructors that are planning on offering on-line virtual training sessions to their students during the school/club closures, we the BTC, have arranged with our insurers to extend the professional indemnity cover to include this kind of activity.
Instructors need to ensure that appropriate risk assessments are carried out by anyone taking part to make sure that they have considered space and any surrounding risk in their homes, so that any potential dangers are eliminated or at least mitigated, to avoid any unnecessary injuries. The instructor must have valid professional indemnity insurance as well as their own member-to-member insurance via their BTC Member Organisation.
Please be aware that the BTC professional indemnity insurance expires on 31st March 2020, so if any instructors are intending to provide this kind of service, they must make certain that they renew their indemnity insurance.
Kevin Beddows BTC Insurance Officer